The Consequences of the Spy Feast
by Binoy Kampmark / November 7th, 2013
I am not sure what is the right term in Australian terminology. I guess it’s not cricket.
— Marty Natalegawa, The Guardian, November 3, 2013
Everyone is doing it to everybody else. A norm, perhaps, or
something like a misguided custom that evolves over time. The test in
international law as to what the comity of nations accepts is often one
of persistent usage over time. Repeated acts of espionage by countries
against others has been accepted as a custom in the negative – one to be
stamped out, to be controlled or deterred with the harshest penalties.
The traditional disposition by security forces to the spy was capital
punishment. The current response to the global espionage claims by
various countries is rather lukewarm by comparison, a tepid reaction to
what has been deemed matters of utmost gravity.
Current headlines are rife with suggestions that state espionage
agencies, at the behest of their nervous masters, have taken of a
distinctly insane root. “Germany calls in British ambassador over spy
allegations,” writes the
Times of India. “Malaysia summons
Australian Ambassador over spying allegations,” claimed ABC news
Australia some four days ago. Not to be outdone, the
Wall Street Journal chipped in with “Brazil Lawmakers to Probe Spy Allegation.”
It is absolutely true that states are engaged in a dance of peering
purposes. Deceptions of mutual interest are practised. Theatrical
posturing may well take place for domestic audiences in one sense, while
diplomats seek a quiet resolution of disputes behind the scenes.
Courtesy has been deemed the most sincere form of hypocrisy, and the
international political scene is more hypocritical than most.
An example of this latest stage show of espionage, exposure and
reaction can be found in the Australian-Indonesian meltdown, a well
simulated action that has Jakarta fuming, at least in public, at the
activities of its Australian ally.
Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has gone on a vigorous
attack ahead of the Bali Democracy Forum at Nusa Dua, surveying the
“various agreements the two countries have committed to”. He is
convinced that Indonesia must “review our co-operation, our information
exchange with the two countries concerned, both the US and Australia”.
Natalegawa speaks of the “official framework” as to what both Canberra
and Washington could have legally gathered information, something both
strayed from.
We can hazard a guess as to what the official uses of information
cover. Matters of people smuggling or targeting terrorist groups figure
prominently. Natalegawa points his threatening finger at Canberra,
claiming that these “information flows have been rather effective”,
though the spying allegations would require a review of them.
Nusa Dua offers some poignancy in this regard. It was the same venue
where Australia and the US ran a vast spying operation in 2007 during a
UN conference on climate change. Then, a newly elected and insufferably
pompous Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, grasped at the lime
light. All this as members of Australia’s spy agency and the Defence
Signals Directorate worked in a joint operation with the NSA. In a fine,
generous spirit, their target was the host, Indonesia.
The operation seemed to be an attempt to gild refined gold and paint
the lily, and it proved as much. For the time and money spent on the
operation, the only thing netted of any value, if it could be termed
that, was the mobile phone number of Bali’s chief of police (
The Guardian, November 3). That operation may prove dearer than that.
For all its ire, Jakarta is entirely aware that Australia is deep in
bed with such agencies as the NSA, insofar as the NSA will allow them a
degree of modest, low-level intercourse. (The intercourse is never
equal, but it would be foolish to assume that no exchange, however
brief, is taking place.)
Officially, all three states share information on supposedly key
areas of the security portfolio. Unofficially, they are happy to peer
into each other’s bed rooms, though the telescopic lenses of Washington
tend to be sharper, and more paparazzi-enhanced, than most.
As the Dean of the ANU’s College of Asia and the Pacific, Andrew
MacIntyre observes, “It’s conceivable that something might be said
offline, bilaterally, but even there there’s only so much that can be
said because both sides know what routinely takes place” (Asia Pacific
ANU, November 6).
The reaction from Canberra has been in complete contrast to the
boisterous response from Jakarta: total silence. For every screamer,
there is the reticent one, the mute, perhaps even the idiot of history,
sitting as the allegations are fired. In intelligence circles, such
silence is almost always a concession. We do it, but you knew we were
doing it.
As Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who tends to resemble a
taxidermist’s work of art, suggested, “I do not intend to discuss
intelligence matters to the matter.” In fact, the new conservative
government in Canberra prefers to stick to the long held view that the
Australian government doesn’t discuss such matters publicly, a view
respected by MacIntyre. “Julie Bishop is saying the only thing she
sensibly can in this situation.”
Naturally, such a view simply invites the usual conclusions,
suggestions of allegiances, and threats of lingering consequences. The
chairman of Indonesia’s foreign affairs commission, Mahfudz Siddiq, has
put forth an almost comic test: that espionage can only take place with
full knowledge of the ambassador. “If they are unofficial officers,
unofficial agents, not under the control of your ambassadors in Jakarta,
they should go back. You should throw out the personnel.” Only
official spies need apply, something which takes out all the fun.
Natalegawa has summed up his reaction to Bishop’s silence. “In the
absence of such assurances to the contrary, of course we must assume
that such activities are taking place.” They are, and whether a
concrete response will follow is a vast and open question. Should
Indonesia retreat from various agreements with Canberra on matters dear
to it – people smuggling, for instance – Australia will again show
itself as a low-IQ deputy sheriff doing someone else’s bidding for the
cheapest of assurances.
Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at
Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne
and can be reached at:
This article was posted on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 at 3:33pm and is filed under
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