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Sunday, November 17, 2013

How America has come and is destined to go, Native American prophecies the elders speak

How America has come and is destined to go, Native American prophecies the elders speak

                                      Traditional Hoop Dance
Early Native Americans were watchful of the sky and like all ancient cultures observed that the planets, the stars and especially the moon moved through never ending cycles that showed a continuous and balanced pattern.

For the American Indian the hoop symbolizes the “Circle of Life” and the continuous arc of balance, with no end...just continuum.

To American Indians Mother Earth was a living entity in need of respect and protection. Their beliefs were based on a spiritual understanding of wholeness and a spiritual lifestyle is at the core of American Indian beliefs.

All indigenous cultures believed in the oneness of all that was, is, and ever will be. And all believed in the never ending cycles. It was their attunement to these cycles that led to heightened sensitivity, perception and intuition...sometimes called second sight...into the workings of Nature and the Creator in general.

I came across what I believe is an impressive group of videos, containing talks with 3 American Indian Elders. Though I'm not sure when these videos were filmed (perhaps as long as 10 years ago) they were posted on you tube in 2007. The message these Elders gave at that time is even more urgent today as we have already begun to see some of these prophecies fulfilled.

April 22, 2009 is Earth Day and will mark the beginning of ”The Green Generation Campaign”. There is much of value that can be learned in the philosophy and wisdom of the American Indian. We can only pray that as the world focuses attention on her need for respect and protection and takes action that Mother Earth will once again find us worthy and be forgiving.

In this first video Elder Floyd Red Crow Westerman speaks. Westerman was an accomplished singer/songwriter whose 1969 debut album“Custer Died for Your Sins” earned critical acclaim. He was also a human rights activist and a well known activist for environmental causes, the rights of American Indians and other indigenous people. Westerman died in December 2007.

          Floyd Red Crow Westerman 2000


Westerman quotes from the video:

“We were told that we would see America come and go. In a sense America is dying, from within, because they forgot the instructions of how to live on earth.

Its the Hopi belief, its our belief, that if you are not spiritually connected to the earth, and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on earth, its likely that you will not make it.

Everything is spiritual, everything has a spirit, everything was brought here by the creator, the one creator. Some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, some people call him Allah, some people call him other names. We call him Konkachila... Grandfather.

We are here on earth only a few winters, then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real then most of us believe. The spirit world is everything.

Over 95% of our body is water. In order to stay healthy you've got to drink good water. ... Water is sacred, air is sacred. Our DNA is made out of the same DNA as the tree, the tree breaths what we exhale, we need what the tree exhales. So we have a common destiny with the tree. We are all from the earth, and when earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction. The mother is reacting. In the Hopi prophecy they say the storms and floods will become greater. To me its not a negative thing to know that there will be great changes. Its not negative, its evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it's time, nothing stays the same.

You should learn how to plant something. That is the first connection. You should treat all things as spirit, realize that we are one family. Its never something like the end. Its like life, there is no end to life”

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