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10 идеи, които ще ви помогнат да разберете света
20.06.2013 | 13:00 20.06.2013 | 13:00
To think better and without prejudice, we must know the basic laws by which things work
To improve your skills reflection of the conditions to have maximum understanding of our cognitive biases, as well as basic knowledge of the laws by which the universe works.
The editors of intellectual site Edge.org decided to ask some of the most influential thinkers in the world - including physicists, neurologists and mathematicians - and ask them what they think are the most important scientific concepts in the modern era.
The outcome of the exercise is the book "This will make you smarter: New scientific concepts to improve thinking" - a collection of two hundred essays that describe the most important ideas to handle today and explore the world.
1. Cumulative error.
Author: Dzheyran Leyniar, author of the article "You're not your widget"
When information travels through multiple channels is easily some of the elements of the message to confuse and distort - whether because of prejudices or simply due to human error.
The effect of the spread of misinformation is often due to the so-called "Cumulative error". Living in an age in which information can travel the world in nanoseconds, making this a very dangerous concept.
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2. Cognitive humility
Author: Gary Marcus of New York University
Decades of cognitive research has shown that "our mind is limited and not nearly as perfect as we want to believe. Knowledge of and compliance with the restrictions will improve our abilities to think and reason, and logic. One of the worst effects of our limited creature is that we tend to remember things better, which coincide with our views and outlook.
3. Blind experiment
Author: Richard Doukin, evolutionary zoologist at Oxford University
Blind experiment is a tool that researchers use to eliminate the unconscious prejudices of the people involved in the experiments. Understanding of this tool will help people better understand their subjective biases daily to prevent generalization and develop critical thinking.
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4. Deep time
Author: Martin Rees of Cambridge astrofizi
The concept is related to the belief that in front of us a lot more time than has elapsed. This creates a more expansive worldview and understanding of the potential of the universe.
Our sun is less than half of their life cycle. It was formed 4.5 million years ago, but it will take another 6 billion before its fuel is over.
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5. Theory of cycles
Author: Daniel Dennett of Tufts University.
Cycles explain everything, especially when it comes to basic levels in the processes of evolution and biology. Where cycles can be changed and thus confused and disturbed. Knowing the cycles that nature (and our minds) follow, can explain a number of phenomena.
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6. Cultural attraction
Author: Dan Sperbar from Central European University in Budapest
We are attracted by the ideas and concepts that are easy for us to accept and process. For example, round numbers are cultural attractors - they are easier to remember and provide easier prioritize things. But the fact that we are attracted to specific concepts does not mean that they are the best in every situation.
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7. Copernican principle
Author: Samuel Arbesman, izsledovalel Harvard
The basis of this principle is the idea that we are special, that the universe is much bigger than our understanding of it, and that we play a minor role in it. The paradox of the Copernican principle is correct only if we understand our place in the world, even if modest, only then can you realize your situation. And when we do, you will not look so ignorant.
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8. The idea of a superorganism
Author: Jonathan Come, social prisolog the University of Virginia
Until biologists had combined with social scientists to develop a theory of society in which every act of altruism is seen as driven by self-interest.
The new concept of contingent superorganisms says live their lives, several different levels. The idea here is that once you reach a certain level, the success of the group for you becomes more important than the individual.
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9. Satisfaction of restrictions
Author: Stephen Koslin from Stanford University
When we are faced with too many option choices, no matter how beautiful and useful, it can be overloaded and lead to the inability to reach a decision. Therefore, placement of various restrictions is useful and leads to solutions. In fact, much of the creativity comes from the satisfaction of the imposed limits. Einstein, for example, makes breakthrough after finding that nothing can travel at a speed exceeding that of light.
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10. Cognitive load
Author: Nicholas Carr
Our brains can hold a limited amount of information in real time. When congestion is too high, we begin to get distracted too easily and can retain what they have learned. Working memory is the notion that researchers of the brain called the place in the brain for short-term storage of information. There hold the contents of our creature at any time. There are all impressions and thoughts that go through our minds throughout the day.
Снимка: Sxc.hu Photo: Sxc.hu